LionsBase has built-in support to export data as interactive charts. No need to export to Excel or gather information from numerous places; everything is at your fingertip!
- Evolution of members
- Age pyramid
- Average member age
- Evolution of clubs
- Attendance to meetings
- ...
Lions Clubs International
In 2005, LionsBase became the first vendor to have integrated with the official Lions Clubs International database to enable seamless data updates.
The synchronization feature not only syncs member data to the official Service Club database (such as Lions Clubs International), but also syncs club information such as meeting place and time as well as club executive and officer changes - synchronizations that are only available through the LionsBase platform!
How it works
Until now, all software vendors have been sending mails to Rotary International's or Lions Clubs International’s Data Services division, resulting in countless hours of manual data entry.
With the synchronization feature, when a club information is updated with, for example, a member’s new contact information, that change will automatically be incorporated into the official database, eliminating the need for clubs to formally notify its headquarter or make the change manually. Furthermore, any updates made to the club's meeting place will be reflected on the official database.
Advantages of the Lions Clubs International Database Synchronization
- Club members can eliminate countless hours of duplicate data entry
- Drastically reduces instances of human error
- Keep member data and club information up-to-date in the official database (LCI, RI) for better communication
- Increase accuracy of member data while respecting privacy levels
- Eliminate the need to manually process and send reports