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Die Funktionen eines Distrikt LionsBase Masters verstehen

The District LionsBase Master is the person who primarily deals with Lions-related information for zones, regions and their own district. This is mainly related to taking care of social activities and calendar events. Another part of their role is to answer questions and help the Webmasters and Club LionsBase Masters of their district.

As depicted on the following picture, whenever the District LionsBase Master needs a helping hand, they will get in touch with their Multiple District LionsBase Master. In addition, they are responsible for organizing LionsBase Teaching Days for the Webmasters and Club LionsBase Masters in their district, probably together with other District LionsBase Masters.

Es stellt sich heraus, das die Durchführung einer solchen jährlichen Veranstaltung sehr wichtig für die Aufrechterhaltung des Wissens ist, man vermeidet dadurch auch viel Zeit wegen Hilfe-Anfragen.

Hierarchy of roles in LionsBase - District LionsBase Master

Der einfachste Weg, um in Kontakt mit der richtigen Person zu kommen, ist beschrieben im Kapitel Um Hilfe bitten.

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