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Helping other Members

Due to your position, you are very likely to have to answer questions from the members of your club and the best way to help them is to see what they see; that is the club’s website as authenticated member and the various intranet pages.

The role of a Club LionsBase Master may be split up into different members but if as you were granted the management of the club information and its members (see Member Authorizations), you will see a special action button in the list of members:

Button allowing CLBM to simulate a member in Frontend

Simply click on the corresponding “Simulate” button and you will instantly get a new browser window showing your club’s website and you will automatically be authenticated as the corresponding member, allowing you to act on their behalf.

As you see, there is really no need to ask someone to disclose her password to let you remotely help that person.

Documentation created using Sphinx 4.3.2 and integrated in TYPO3 with restdoc.