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Understanding Problems

LionsBase runs regularly a task to check the healthiness of member records. This helps ensuring the information is properly stored and allows to perform additional Lions business logic checks that would be difficult if not impossible to do while editing the profile of a member.

In case one or more problems are detected, the corresponding members are marked as inconsistent and will not be synchronized until the problems are corrected.

To help correcting the problems, a small description is added to the member’s record and shows up both in the member club’s dashboard and in the general report (available for District and Multiple District LionsBase Masters):

Problem Report in the club's dashboad

The problem’s description should be sufficient to understand what is going wrong but this chapter aims at describing each and every problem in detail, if case you would need additional information.

Member Information

Error: Member has no private country defined

Problem: The Lions Clubs International (Oak Brook) requires that each and every member provides a reference to their country.

Solution: To correct this problem, open the member’s record on tab “Private”:

Private Information

Locate the drop-down list of countries and make sure one is selected:

Private Country & State

You may set the country state as well. For members in US or Canada, you must set it.

Error: Preferred address (either private oder business) is incomplete

Problem: The Club LionsBase Masters may configure the preferred address of a member to be either their private or business address but the preferred address is incomplete and will result in problems with postal service.

Solution: To correct this problem, open the member’s record on tab “Misc”:

Miscellaneous Information

Check which address has been chosen as “preferred”:

Preferred Address

In our example, this is the business address. Now open tab “Business”:

Business Information

And check that:

  • Company (only for business address)

  • Address (street) or Post-Office Box

  • Postal Code/Zipcode

  • City

  • Country

are all properly defined.

Error: Member is not active anymore but has no exit date

Problem: LionsBase lets you store the history of statuses of members but in addition, it provides a field for the exit date as well. Inactive members should have an exit date defined, just for the sake of completeness.

Solution: To correct this problem, open the member’s record on tab “Lions”:

Lions Information

In our example, the member resigned on 01.12.2012 (and is thus inactive since then):

Resigned Member

Locate field “Exit date” and make sure it contains “01.12.2012” as well:

Exit Date

Member Status

Error: Member has no status

Problem: The member has absolutely no status defined.

Solution: To correct this problem, open the member’s record on tab “Lions”:

Lions Information

Locate the part containing the list of statuses and create one as required:

Status is missing

Error: Still has active status although member is not active anymore

Problem: The member is inactive (e.g., “resigned”) but an older active status did not yet end.

Solution: To correct this problem, open the member’s record on tab “Lions”:

Lions Information

Within the part containing the list of statuses, locate the active status that is missing an end date:

Active status is still running although the member is inactive

In this example, the member resigned on 01.01.2013 but their active status (starting on 01.12.2011) has not been terminated.

Click on the status line to edit the record and put an end date to the status.

Error: Multiple active statuses

Problem: Multiple active statuses within a given club have been detected.

Solution: To correct this problem, open the member’s record on tab “Lions”:

Lions Information

Within the part containing the list of statuses, locate the faulty entries:

Multiple Active Statuses

Correct the history of the member Lion’s life, possibly terminating statuses or adding missing ones in between.

Error: A status has mixed-up start and end dates

Problem: A status has an end date that is older or equal to the start date.

Solution: To correct this problem, open the member’s record on tab “Lions”:

Lions Information

Within the part containing the list of statuses, locate the faulty entry:

Invalid start and end dates for a status

In this example, the status starts on 31.12.2012 and ends one year before on 01.12.2011.

Click on the status line to edit the record and correct the start and end dates.

Error: Member has at least one status whose club is undefined

Problem: Each status in LionsBase is associated to a club in order to have a detailed history of the Member Lion’s life. This problem occurs if a status has been defined without providing the corresponding club relation.

Solution: To correct this problem, open the member’s record on tab “Lions”:

Lions Information

Within the part containing the list of statuses, locate the faulty entry:

Invalid Status

Click on the status line to edit the record and select a club in the drop-down list of clubs.

Error: Member is not active anymore but misses an inactive status (such as “resigned” or “deceased”)

Problem: The member is inactive but without an inactive status. This happens if all of their active statuses ended but an inactive status record such as “resigned” or “deceased” is missing.

Solution: To correct this problem, open the member’s record on tab “Lions”:

Lions Information

Locate the part containing the list of statuses, you should see something similar to this, with all statuses being in the past:

All active statuses are in the past

Create a new status for current club, with an appropriate date and an inactive status, e.g., “Resigned”:

Detail of a resigned status

Error: Member is inactive but has no history of former statuses

Problem: The member is inactive but the history of former statuses in the corresponding club has been deleted. This happens if you modify the active status and change it, e.g., to “resigned” instead of creating a new status record for the member.

Solution: Correct the history of former statuses by creating at least one active status record with start and end dates in the corresponding club.

Member Function

Error: A function is wrongly defined

Problem: Each function in LionsBase is associated to a club, zone, region, district or multiple district in order to have a detailed history of the Member Lion’s life. This problem occurs if either the function line does not specify the related function or if the level of the function (club, zone, …) is undefined.

Solution: To correct this problem, open the member’s record on tab “Lions”:

Lions Information

Within the part containing the list of functions, locate the faulty entry:

Invalid Function

Click on the function line to edit the record and make sure the function (Club president, secretary, …) is properly set:

Function Line is missing the Related Function

In this example, the function itself is undefined.

In addition, make sure that the level is defined. For example, the member may be Club president but only for a given club, if no club is specified, then the function is considered invalid as well.

Error: Still has active function although member is not active anymore

Problem: The member is inactive but still has an active function, that is a function that did not yet end.

Solution: To correct this problem, open the member’s record on tab “Lions”:

Lions Information

Locate the part containing the functions and have a look at the list of statuses as well, you should see something similar to this; a member that is inactive but with at least one function not yet terminated:

A function is still active

In this example, the member resigned on 01.01.2013 but is still president of their club.

Click on the function “Club president” to edit the record and put an end date to the function.

Error: A function has mixed-up start and end dates

Problem: A function has an end date that is older or equal to the start date.

Solution: To correct this problem, open the member’s record on tab “Lions”:

Lions Information

Within the part containing the list of functions, locate the faulty entry:

Invalid start and end dates for a function

In this example, the function starts on 01.01.2013 and ends a half year before on 01.07.2012.

Click on the function line to edit the record and correct the start and end dates.

Error: Member has at least one function whose level is incompatible with the selected entity (e.g., a district function but within a club)

Problem: Each function in LionsBase is associated to a club, zone, region, district or multiple district in order to have a detailed history of the Member Lion’s life. This problem occurs if a function for a given level’s position (e.g., a district function such as “District governor”) is associated to a level that is not a district, typically the club of the member.

Solution: To correct this problem, open the member’s record on tab “Lions”:

Lions Information

Within the part containing the list of functions, locate the faulty entry:

Invalid Function

Click on the function line to edit the record and make sure the level is properly set:

Invalid Function Level

In this example, the function “District governor” cannot be associated to the club “Wien City”. This should probably be set to the district of Lions Club Wien City, thus “114 O”:

Corrected Function Level

Family Unit

Error: Lions family has no head of family

Problem: Each and every Lions family should have a head of family as stated by Lions Club International.

Solution: To correct this problem, open one of the family member’s record on tab “Lions Family”:

Configuration of a Lions Family

And assign a member of the club as head of family:

Choosing a head of family

Error: Lions family cannot be composed of a single member

Problem: After family member resigned it happens a Lions family is only composed of a single member.

Solution: As this is not a “family” anymore, the Lions family’s configuration should be cleared (LionsBase does not keep any history of it as the only purpose of the Lions family is to lower fees when announcing members to the Lions Club International).

Error: At least one member of the Lions family is not present in this club’s member

Problem: After family member changed their club, such as when a child previously in the same club as their parents grows up and lives somewhere else, the Lions family has a reference to a member external to the club.

Solution: Family members should be located in the same club according to the Lions Club International. As such, the Lions family’s configuration should be updated to reflect the fact that one of the members left the family.

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