Version 4.4.0¶
- Release Date
August, 17th 2018
- Compatibility
Android 5 (Lollipop), Android 6 (Marshmallow), Android 7 and 7.1 (Nougat), Android 8.0 (Oreo)
This version adds support for translated events and associated questions and lets you easily invite your partner.
What’s New¶
The concept of external guests has been enhanced in LionsBase and it is now easier to invite your own partner. This is reflected in this version of the mobile application which lets you:
invite your own partner (no need to enter their given and family names nor email address);
update their registration (e.g., to answer the additional questions).
Similarly, reviewers of the event may edit the registration of any external guest.
Finally, if your partner is a Lions as well, and LionsBase knows about it, you will be able to navigate to their member profile from yours.
Information about your partner is not up-to-date or not using a relation to another Lions member? Please get in touch with your CLBM and tell them to read the chapter about managing partners.
In addition, a few bugs have been squashed and minor enhancements integrated:
enhanced some translations;
news with translations are now taken into account and provided, if available of course, in your preferred language;
dashboard always gets refreshed after a successful authentication;
overall stability has been improved when the connection to the LionsBase servers is not reliable enough.
Using iOS? Please see corresponding release notes.