Version 5.5.0¶
- Release Date
March, 14th 2019
- Compatibility
Android 5 (Lollipop), Android 6 (Marshmallow), Android 7 and 7.1 (Nougat), Android 8 and 8.1 (Oreo)
This release comes with some new features:
You may now tap a twinning club and navigate to its detail page if the corresponding (foreign) club is using LionsBase as well.
Since version 5.3, a few club members may manage social activities from the app. But this did not mean they all figured out they could simply use the circled “+” icon top right to create new social activities. Now, if there is no social activity available (the list is empty), a friendly message will guide them toward this action icon.
The app now supports Guiding Lion certification and shows a compass icon for member being certified; e.g., in the search result:
Other Changes¶
In addition, a very old bug has finally been squashed:
Whenever the application went to background (e.g., after pressing the “Home” button), putting it back to foreground by tapping on the application icon again, did not really wake it fully and the user ended up seeing lots of empty lists (calendar, list of clubs, …) and getting errors while trying to search for members (and for sure lots of other use cases). After lots of digging into it, we finally figured out Android had multiple contexts in memory and some of them did not had a proper connection to the LionsBase API, which is the reason why the application did not behave correctly anymore and the only way out was to completely quit the application and launch it again. This bug is finally gone!
Using iOS? Please see corresponding release notes.