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Version 6.4.0

Release Date

January, 29th 2020


Android 5 (Lollipop), Android 6 (Marshmallow), Android 7 and 7.1 (Nougat), Android 8 and 8.1 (Oreo), Android 9.0 (Pie), Android 10.0

When you invite external persons to an event, this release makes it much easier to manage the registration of those guests on behalf of them.

In addition, we now show you all social activities of any club within your multi district.

What’s New


In version 4.4 we introduced a way to easily invite your own partner. Since then you could use the popup menu by long tapping their name in the list of participants to open the external registration form they had access to:

Opening the external form to edit the registration of a guest

It turned out to be usable but not user-friendly enough since the member had to search their partner (or more generally-speaking their guest) in the list of participants in order to long tap their name and access the popup menu. Then, having an external form to manage the registration of this guest implied another user experience (UX) than the efficiency brought by the mobile application when dealing with one’s own registration.

Since this mobile application is actively used for very large events such as the yearly National Convention (this year held in Neuchatel for the Multiple District 102 - Switzerland/Liechtenstein), we wanted some clear enhancements for handling guests.

This is the reason why, this version drops the “Edit Registration” link and shows quick links to your own guests from within the general detail of the event, where you manage your own registration:

List of guests the member has invited

You are now just one tap away from managing the registration of your guests from within the mobile application!

Inviting Guests

This version makes inviting guests easier by adding a direct link in the list of your guests (available even if you don’t have invited any guest yet):

Link to invite another person to the event

The behaviour is then exactly the same as using the icon showing a member with a “+” mark top right in the list of participants. It prompts you which quick action options in order to either invite your partner, or another Lions/LEO member, or an arbitrary external person to be found within your address book.

Once invited, your guest is automatically added to the list and you may manage them as described in the previous section.


We know that inviting your partner should be as straightforward as possible, so in order to save you one extra step, we even marked your partner as being “present” to the event if you choose to invite them. That way, and unless there are additional questions associated to the event that you should answer on their behalf, your partner is just one single tap away from participating in an event you are attending!


The organizer should of course enable that feature when preparing the event.


Beware: In this release, the invitation link is only available if the event is configured with additional questions. This will be corrected in upcoming release 7.0.

Inviting Members from another country

Do you remember that you may exchange part of your information with foreign Lions members? If not then please head to the release notes for version 5.2. If you want the quickest way how to get started, then have a look at the animation below which depicts the process of sharing some of your information with foreign Lions members.


Inviting members from another country is as simple as choosing to “Invite a member” when you want to invite someone else and then search for that foreign member. That’s it! 1

Due to current limitation, the foreign member will be invited as an external guest but you will not need to look for their email address or write a message, that member will just get invited as quickly as you invite a member from your own country, in a matter a seconds!

BONUS 1: Every participant will see their photo in the list of participants, as for standard Lions or LEO members.

BONUS 2: If you share your own profile and someone invited a foreign member, you will be able to open up their profile just as any Lions or LEO member in your country. If you did not share your own profile, a friendly message will tell you that access to the corresponding profile is restricted and you will be invited, if you wish, to share your own profile.

Social Activities

We brought editing of social activities with version 5.3. A while later, with version 6.2, we made the list of ongoing activities visible to each and every member of the club by heading to their club profile page and tapping the corresponding “Social Activities” link:

List of social activities

The feature was however limited to managing so-called planned (or ongoing) activities; that is, once published, they would disappear from the mobile application and would only be changed afterwards from LionsBase Backend.

A few members reported that having all activities within the application, including those which were done and published, would help a lot both for standard club members to know what their club did in the past and for managers of social activities to prevent the same activity from being reported twice by separate managers.

As such, we now show all former social activities for your club and if you are allowed to manage them, you will be able to update any activity even after they were published.

Furthermore, and it is worth writing it again: social activities and services are the heart of Lions Clubs. This is the reason why, every member is now granted access to the list of social activities for any club within their multiple district.

Other Changes

In addition, a few bugs have been squashed and minor enhancements integrated:

  • the application does not crash anymore after updating answers for a given participant;

  • since LionsBase added support for higher levels of Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow awards, this application supports them as well;

  • a few images have been streamlined;

  • various internal libraries have been upgraded.



Inviting other (Lions or LEO) members is an option only available for the reviewers (thus organisers) of the event.


Using iOS? Please see corresponding release notes.

Documentation created using Sphinx 4.3.2 and integrated in TYPO3 with restdoc.