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Version 4.2.0

Release Date

May, 31st 2018


iOS 9, iOS 10, iOS 11

This version provides enhancements and a few corrections.

What’s New

The detail page of a club has been redesigned:


Similarly, the detail page of a member as well:



In addition, a few bugs have been fixed:

  • it is now more clear how to select your multiple district when entering your credentials;

  • the first header of the list of committee members (usualy “Committee”) was largely hidden;

  • the list of social networks should now appear every time as soon as you open a detail page (club or member) and should not require you to scroll a bit first for the social icons to pop up;

  • tapping the Skype social network for a member now properly launches the Skype application;

  • accessibility guidance with tooltips is not reset anymore when manually logging out;

  • overall stability has been improved when the connection to the LionsBase servers is not reliable enough.


Using Android? Please see corresponding release notes.

Documentation created using Sphinx 4.3.2 and integrated in TYPO3 with restdoc.