Configuring the Social Activities Plugin

This chapter describes advanced options of the Social Activities plugin. Webmasters of clubs should not need to go that deep into the understanding of the various options. Please refer to the corresponding chapter in the Webmaster part for basic configuration options.

As usual when you edit the Social Activities plugin, the «Plugin» tab lets you configure how information should be rendered on the website:

Configuration options for the plugin

Using the Plugin for your Multiple District Website

On your multiple district website, you may want to show social activities for the different zones, regions and districts as well as for the whole multiple district. Social Activities in LionsBase may be related to any entity. Please read chapter Managing Social Activity Information for more information.

We will now explain the first options of the Social Activities plugin, namely the entry point, the entry point and the level of social activities to show. As an example, let’s take the entity hierarchy of multiple district 102 (Switzerland and Liechtenstein):

Hierarchy of multiple district 102

We see the districts West (102W), Centro (102C), East (102E) and the district corresponding to the Leo clubs (102L). Each district is subdivided into «regions», each region into «zones» and finally each zone groups a few geographically close clubs together.

Leo clubs usually do not need this whole hierarchy but as we want a homogenous user experience within LionsBase, the level «region» corresponds to the Lions district it is located in (102L-W, 102L-C or 102L-E) and a single arbitrary zone is created within the region by suffixing «Z» to the region name (e.g., 102L-WZ). This allows Leo clubs to be attached to a zone as well.

The Social Activities plugin is automatically configured to take the current club as entity whose social activities should be fetched. If you need to show social activities for another entity (a zone, region, district or multiple district or even another club), you have to select the entity within field «Selected entry point».

Social Activities for a given Entity

If you want to show the social activities for a given club, zone, region, district or your multiple district, first select the corresponding Lions entity level both as entry point («Social activities entry point») and «Show social activities of level». Then, select your entity in the drop-down list. That’s it!

Social Activities for a set of Entities

The Social Activities plugin lets you show activities of all Lions entities within the hierarchy. Let’s see how it works by describing the plugin configuration shown as first screenshot.

We selected an entry point «District» and the entity District 102-C:

District 102-C

By choosing an entry point for District 102-C, we are able to show social activities within its hierarchy:

Hierarchy of clubs, zones and regions within District 102-C

The plugin configuration shows that we selected «Club» as level to be shown. This means that we will show social activities of all clubs in the hierarchy:

Clubs within District 102-C

Please note: The hierarchy of Lions entities within your organization may be shown by opening module LionsBase > System and choosing «Entities» in the drop-down list, on top:

List of entities for your organization
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