Managing Functions

To manage existing functions or create a new function, open the folder «LionsBase Data» with module Web > List:

Finding the LionsBase Data folder

This will show the list of existing functions. Then proceed as usual to create a new record:

Adding a member function

This field is used to create arbitrary groups of functions. This is typically used when preparing the directory of members if you want to have sections of related functions, e.g., for the multiple district council. The list is automatically populated with records of type «Function Group» that should be stored at the same place. It lets you group functions from different levels, e.g., to integrate districts governors into the multiple district council.


Club, Zone, Region, District or Multiple District.


The name of the function, with alternatives for a man and a woman. Is used in Frontend when rendering the list of functions of a given member.

LCI Title:

Lions Clubs International provides a mechanism to synchronize committee membership (with the eMMR web service). However the web service only handles a few common member functions. If you find a corresponding denomination of your function in the list, you may select it; this will ensure that members with the function you add will be mapped to corresponding Lions Clubs International function and thus synchronized to Oak Brook, USA.


This field defines the behavior of the member function, whether it is always part of the standard committee or not. If left empty, then a checkbox «Is Special» will be available when editing the function of a member (see the screenshot of a member function).

Frontend User Group

Functions for levels District and Multiple District provide another configuration option at the bottom of the edit form:

District Governor function for Multiple District 102

Ticking this checkbox lets you automatically create a Frontend user group for members currently having the corresponding function. In this example, district governors will be assigned a user group «District Governor» of their corresponding district, meaning that you will end up having (for Multiple District 102) three additional Frontend user groups:

  • [FUNCTION] 102 C - District governor

  • [FUNCTION] 102 E - District governor

  • [FUNCTION] 102 W - District governor

These additional user groups will be available as soon as a member with the function has been authenticated. Please read chapter Restricting Access to a Group of Users of the Webmaster part to know how to restrict access to your pages.

Good to know: Please note that this checkbox is available as well for Function Groups.

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