Cambiare il Layout di una pagina

LionsBase provides four different page layouts (actually this may slightly differ in your own instance of LionsBase but the concept still is the same):



2 columns of contents without banner

2 columns of content (the navigation menu on the left-hand side and a wide area for arbitrary content).

2 columns of contents with banner

2 columns of content with banner (the navigation menu on the left-hand side and a wide area for arbitrary content. In addition a user banner – or picture – is present. The banner itself should ideally be 940x100 pixels).

3 columns of contents without banner

3 columns of content (the navigation menu on the left hand-side, a wide area for arbitrary content and a narrow area on the right-hand side).

3 columns of contents with banner

3 columns of content with banner (the navigation menu on the left hand-side, a wide area for arbitrary content and a narrow area on the right-hand side. In addition a user banner – or picture – is present. The banner itself should ideally be 940x100 pixels).

Per scegliere un layout, selezionare una pagina nella struttura della pagina e modificarlo con l’icona edit content element nella barra degli strumenti, sulla parte superiore dello schermo:

Editing the property of a page

Quindi selezionare la scheda «Aspetto», scegliere il layout (Template Design) desiderata per la pagina corrispondente e salvare le modifiche come al solito.

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