Configuring the Events Plugin

When you edit the Events plugin, the «Plugin» tab lets you choose the field to be rendered:

Overview of the configuration options for the plugin

We highly suggest to limit the number of upcoming events to show to 10 on your homepage to prevent the time range navigation menu to show up for authenticated members (see Past Events below).

Options of the Plugin

The options for the Events plugin are grouped into three categories.


General options for the plugin

The checkboxes «Show publicly promoted events for following levels in hierarchy» let you easily and automatically include events that were «publicly promoted» (see chapter Gestione delle informazioni sull’evento for further information).

Internet Calendar

Configuration of the iCal links

These two checkboxes are used to render respectively the iCal icons in front of each event and the registration button:

iCal icons and registration button in Frontend


Enabling registrations from the list of events

Please refer to chapter Registering to Events to understand how registration to events work from a member point of view.


The reason NOT to tick the registration on the homepage is that there are some constraints on design and available libraries that may hinder the events plugin.

Past Events

By default the plugin will show upcoming events from current day up to two years in advance (bounded by the number of events you limit).

For authenticated members the behavior will slightly change as it will start two days in the past instead of the current day. In addition, if previous events exist and the limit of events to show is higher than 10, a time range navigation menu will be shown on top of the list of events:

Navigation menu for past events

The navigation menu entries act as toggle buttons, meaning that once you show past entries for a given Lions year, you may go back to the list of upcoming events by clicking again on the corresponding time range button.

Hint: The threshold value 10 has been chosen to let you use the events plugin on your homepage without showing the time range navigation menu.

Adding or Modifying Calendar Events

The responsible for managing calendar events is the Club-, District- or Multiple District LionsBase Master, according to the type of calendar event that should be updated. The process of managing calendar events is described in the chapter Gestione delle informazioni sull’evento.

Adding a new Events Plugin

Create a new content element and choose to insert a «General Plugin»:

General Plugin

Then it is considered a good practice to give a title to your content element. In order for the title you give not being rendered on your website, you may change its type to «hidden»:

Adding a header to the content element

Finally, under the «Plugin» tab, choose the Events plugin:

Selection of the plugin to use

Then proceed as usual to configure the plugin.


There is a known limitation with subscription to so-called «private calendars». In case you configure the plugin or the page containing the plugin to be accessible only for authenticated users, then your calendar will not be usable as an iCal feed (see Accesso ai calendari).

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