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Due to your position, you are very likely to have to answer questions from your Club LionsBase Masters and the best way to help them is to see what they see; that is, a trimmed-down version of the TYPO3 Backend.

When you are authenticated as District or as Multiple District LionsBase Master, an additional popup menu is available next to your name in the main toolbar, on top right of the TYPO3 Backend, next to the “Logout” button:

Menu allowing DLBM and MDLBM to quickly switch to another member profile

Hover your mouse on “Switch to Backend User” and choose the profile of one of the members you are responsible of in the list that will show up.

Your name and username in the toolbar will change and show that you are acting as another member. To go back to your own profile, simply click on the “Exit” button that took place of the well-known “Logout” button while you are acting as another member.

The second menu “Simulate Frontend User” works the same as for Club LionsBase Masters and lists all members within your district.

Beware: If you are a Multiple District LionsBase Master though, LionsBase does not show the list of all members within the multiple district as this would cause your browser to hang and most probably lead to a script timeout. Instead, LionsBase will trim down the list of available members to those of your own club. But you may of course first switch to another Backend user, typically one of your District or Club LionsBase Master and thus still be granted access to every member in your multiple district.

Documentation created using Sphinx 4.3.2 and integrated in TYPO3 with restdoc.