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Synchronization eMMR (Oak Brook)

LionsBase automatically synchronizes clubs, members and activities to Oak Brook, USA, using the official eMMR Web Service. This module is responsible for assigning a LCI ID to new clubs and members and to regularly report changes such as change of address of the club, composition of its committee, general information such as the status (active, privileged, …) of the members…

The Oak Brook synchronization module automatically runs daily, over night. A few simple rules are worth knowing:

  • New members are announced to Oak Brook.

  • Changes of existing members are reported to Oak Brook.

  • In case a change on an existing member without an associated LCI ID is detected, the member is announced as a new member to Oak Brook.


  • New members who are inactive (e.g., in case someone registers a former member) are NOT announced to Oak Brook.

  • Changes on existing members who are inactive and without any LCI ID are NOT announced to Oak Brook (e.g., when updating a former member who never was announced to Oak Brook).

The following chapters will give you advanced information on the Oak Brook synchronization:

Documentation created using Sphinx 4.3.2 and integrated in TYPO3 with restdoc.