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Introducing LionsBase

What are Lions Clubs?

“We serve” — About 1.35 million members in more than 200 countries worldwide have written this motto on their flag. The world’s largest service organization was founded in Chicago in 1917, and today is one of 46,000 of Lions and LEO clubs. Lions Clubs International played an active role on the occasion of the United Nations founding Conference in San Francisco in 1945.

The Lion movement today is a network of socially committed and motivated women and men committed personally to the support of society, people and the environment. Youth work and the fight against blindness in Africa are the focus of financial and personal assistance to the needy.

Lions maintain both domestic and international friendships and contacts — also in joint projects. These activities — whether local, national or international –– in addition strengthen the internal cohesion of the clubs and express the basic idea of the Lionism.

What is LionsBase?

LionsBase is a database-driven multilingual web application. Each Lions Club is able to store and update information of the members. Public views are automatically generated, hiding personal data. Members can then connect to their own club using personal credentials. Access level can be chosen for each member. A complete history of social activities and events can be stored, along with members personal information, allowing useful statistics to be extracted.

The purpose of the LionsBase application is to provide a pleasant way for managing a multiple clubs hierarchy, each of them having a set of members with miscellaneous responsibilities. LionsBase is able to deal with all of these constraints…

The project started in July 2000 as an initiative of Mr. Sager and Mr. Rettby, webmasters of the Western Swiss District 102 web site and of their respective Lions Club web site. At the beginning, only a few clubs tested the system. We did not know which were the real security problems having lots of critical information on the Web. Some people thought there might be lacks in the protection and helped us enhancing the LionsBase defense.

Nowadays, this project deals with more than 850 Lions and Leo Clubs located in Multiple District 102 (Switzerland and Liechtenstein), Multiple District 114 (Austria) and Multiple District 112 (Belgium).





Switzerland / Liechtenstein


German, French, Italian, English

mid 2003



German, English

end 2012



Dutch, French, German, English

end 2022

Use of LionsBase in Europe

Some features may not be accessible by all members. Please read chapter Basis concepten to understand the purpose of the various roles in LionsBase. This documentation is divided into different parts, basically one for each “level” of access to LionsBase. Please feel free to contact us if you think that one or the other section should get more detailed.

We wish you much pleasure in the reading of this documentation,

The LionsBase development and support team at Causal Sàrl.

Documentation created using Sphinx 4.3.2 and integrated in TYPO3 with restdoc.