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To access the list of clubs, open the menu and choose “Clubs”:

Access to the clubs in the menu

Dit toont je de lijst met alle clubs binnen je meervoudige district, gesorteerd en gegroepeerd op naam:

Lijst van de clubs met toegelaten geslacht in de club

In a glance you see important information about the club:

  • its type: Lions Club: Lions Club, LEO Club Omega: LEO Club Omega or LEO Club Alpha: LEO Club Alpha;

  • which district it belongs to;

  • its Lions Club International ID;

  • whether the club is accepting only gentlemen: Club accepting only gentlemen, ladies:

    Club accepting only ladies or both: Club accepting both ladies and gentlemen.

Een club zoeken

By default the list of clubs is filtered on your multiple district (“102” in our example, which is the international ID for “Switzerland/Liechtenstein”). Tap the filter icon to get access to the search field:

Filtering the list of clubs

U kunt een ander internationaal ID invoeren (maar wacht en lees Looking for Foreign Clubs hieronder, dat is veel gemakkelijker) of aanvullen met een districtsnaam (bijv. “102 C” om alleen clubs te tonen in district 102 Centro), of een regionaam (bijv. “102 C-1” voor de regio 1 in district 102 Centro), … u snapt het!

And of course, you can type the name of a club to filter the list and access it quickly!

By default, clubs are sorted alphabetically by name, but sometimes it may be interesting to sort them by charter night (thus by date of creation) instead. To do that, simply tap the corresponding button:

Sort the list of clubs

Looking for Foreign Clubs

A few other countries are using (or testing) the LionsBase mobile application. To access those clubs, the easiest way is to tap on the globe icon:

Foreign clubs

This will present you a list of available countries (well, multiple districts):

Andere landen die LionsBase gebruiken

Choose a country and instantly the list of clubs will be filtered accordingly.


You can then open the profile page of a foreign club just as you would for clubs within your multiple district. However, access to private information such as the list of members will be restricted. In order to be visible as a foreign member, you will have to explicitly share your profile with foreign clubs and mark the exact pieces of information you are willing to share (e.g., you share your private email address but not any phone number nor your date of birth).

Lees het hoofdstuk Gegevensbescherming en -uitwisseling voor meer informatie.

Details of a Club

When you tap the name of a club in a list 1, it opens its profile page:

Profile page of a club

Veel delen van de profielpagina zijn feitelijke links naar verdere operaties. Bijvoorbeeld:

  1. If you are browsing your own club and you are (one of) its Club LionsBase Master, you will see this camera icon that lets you change the background image associated to your club (the Roman arenas by night in this example). By default clubs get a blue background.

  2. Tap the map icon and your maps application will open to guide you to the meeting point of this club.

  3. Tap an email address, a postal address or a meeting, … and a logical operation will start: an email address will start a new mail to the club, a postal address will open your maps application to provide guidance, …


When you browse a club profile, the most important information right after the contact information is how that club is organised. The two links “Committee” and “Members” show you the Executive board and their officers:

Committee of a club

or, when tapping “Members”:

Members of a club

As usual when see a member in a list, tap on their name to open the profile page.

De commissie is gegroepeerd en gesorteerd op belangrijkheid van de functie, dus er zijn geen sorteermogelijkheden. Voor de ledenlijst echter zijn de personen alfabetisch gesorteerd op naam (met hun geboortedatum als secundaire regel), maar je kunt ze ook sorteren op jaar van toetreding (de secundaire regel verandert dan ook in hun jaar van toetreding), of op leeftijd.

You may long tap the name of a member to access the list of other members having held the corresponding position:

Toegang tot de geschiedenis van een bepaalde clubfunctie

Adding a Member

Club administrators may easily add a new member to their club. How? By tapping the circled “+” icon in the toolbar:

Button to add a new member

This will show a simple wizard with the most useful information so that the new member may be enrolled as quickly as possible:

Wizard to add a new member

The new member will automatically receive a multilingual welcome message with instructions on how to install the LionsBase mobile application.


Tap on a meeting to get guidance to the club local or restaurant:



Het leven van de club is gegroepeerd in een sectie “Agenda”:

Lijst van de sociale activiteiten


The link “Program” will show a list of upcoming events strictly limited to this club. If some of those events are opened to members of other clubs, then you will have the chance to register to it and the corresponding event will then be part of your personal calendar. If you want to see what’s up next for you, we advise you to always use the Calendar menu entry instead, and not this link within your own club’s profile page; this way, you are sure you really see everything that is targeted at yourself, and not only part of those events.

Sociale activiteiten

This link shows the various social activities of the club. Since there is a lot to say, this is described in a dedicated section below.

General & Sponsors

Finally, the profile page shows some general information (as usual, tap the name of the zone or the district to go to the profile page of that level, see the list of officers at this level or the clubs in that area):

General information of a club

and the list of sponsor clubs:

Sponsors of a club

Simply tap the name of a sponsor club to learn more from it!

Sociale activiteiten

Social activities are the heart of Lions Clubs. This is the reason why every member is granted access to the list of both past, ongoing and planned social activities for any club within their multiple district:

Activities of a club


The icon associated to a given activity is based on its category. For more information, please see Overzicht van de pictogrammen voor sociale activiteiten.


Tap an activity to get additional information. We describe this later, when explaining how to create and update your club activities right within the LionsBase mobile application.

At the beginning you see key values for the social activities and a comparison with the previous year. When you tap the property, it will cycle through:

  • Het bedrag dat je gedoneerd hebt;

  • Het bedrag dat je hebt opgehaald;

  • Aantal personen dat wordt bediend;

  • Aantal uren per lid;

  • Lijst van de sociale activiteiten


Wanneer u op de rij “Meer statistieken” tikt, tonen wij bovendien een verdeling van de categorieën waarin de club actief was:

Verdeling van sociale activiteiten


De verdeling houdt rekening met alle sociale activiteiten.

U kunt dan op een bepaald vakje tikken om enkele indicatoren te tonen die verband houden met de overeenkomstige categorie van sociale activiteiten:

Indicatoren van sociale activiteiten

De ringen tonen bekende indicatoren voor de hoeveelheid geld die u hebt geschonken, ingezameld, … in verband met sociale activiteiten die u in de afgelopen 5 leeuwenjaren hebt gedaan en laten u zien hoe belangrijk ze zijn in vergelijking met andere categorieën.


We cannot stress it enough but it is important to understand that the list of social activities as well as the various figures (income, spending, number person served, …) is never shared with another multiple district (to make it clear: e.g., between Switzerland/Liechtenstein and Austria).

Some information is reported back to MyLCI as regulated by the Lions Clubs International organization.

Op de websites van de clubs zal LionsBase nooit zelf cijfers publiceren aan niet-geauthenticeerde leden van uw meervoudig district. Een club kan er echter expliciet voor kiezen zijn sociale activiteitencijfers aan iedereen beschikbaar te stellen. Als webmaster kunt u het hoofdstuk Configuring the Social Activities Plugin lezen.

Detail and Editing of Social Activities

From the list of social activities, tap an item to instantly get more information about it:

Detail of an activity

A few members are granted editing capabilities for the social activities, typically the president, the members of the social activity commission and the Club LionsBase Master. If you have this privilege, you may tap any field to update it.

Het is belangrijk om de verschillende knoppen, aan het einde van het formulier, goed te begrijpen:

Een sociale activiteit bijwerken
  1. De knop “Bewaar” zal de aanpassingen bewaren.

  2. Button “Publish” will be made available once reporting is done (at least one of the reporting field must be greater than zero). Once a social activity is “published”, it actually means that it switches from status “planned” to status “done” in LionsBase, meaning it will be pushed to MyLCI.

  3. De knop “Verwijder” zal het veld als verwijderd aantonen.

Om een nieuwe sociale activiteit te creëren, tikt u op het omcirkelde “+”-pictogram rechtsboven in de lijst met sociale activiteiten:

Een sociale activiteit bijwerken

You may want to read chapter Managing Social Activity Information for further information.



This works for foreign clubs as well if those clubs are using LionsBase (read more). This is typically the case when you show the profile page of a club within your multiple district and you tap the name of its twinning club is located for instance in Austria.

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