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Dealing with Files and Pictures

Uploading Files

In some circumstances (such as when inserting a content element of type “Images”), you may be able to upload a picture right while editing your website. However, most of the time you should consider organizing your files in your club directory, in the so-called “fileadmin/”.

To do so, open module File > Filelist:

Module File > Filelist

You will be presented with a tree of directories:

Hierarchy of directories

Of course this hierarchy of directories will reflect your actual permissions that should typically restrict you to your own club directory.

Operations on Directories

Your club directory comes with a special directory, a “recycler bin”, that will collect files you delete and easily let you recover them for a period of time (usually around 1 month) before being definitely erased. You may have other directories by default but feel free to rename or delete them according to your needs. You should organize your club directory with whichever file and subdirectory structure you like.

To manage the existing directory structure, left click on a directory icon:

Operations on directories

Operations on Files

In the main area, you see the list of files and subdirectories of the currently selected directory. As usual, left click on a file icon to operate on it. You may want to tick the checkbox “Extended View” — just as you would when using module Web > List on LionsBase records — to show additional operation icons and thus avoid using the contextual menu of file and directory operations.

To create directories or upload files, use the two icons at the beginning of the list:

Create directory or upload files

Files may be uploaded either with a standard form:

Standard file upload form

or with a handy Flash Uploader allowing multiple files to be selected and uploaded at once:

Flash-based file upload

Hint: Tick the checkbox “Overwrite existing files” before selecting files if you want to overwrite existing files. By default, existing files will not get overwritten to prevent accidental loss and uploaded files will automatically be suffixed accordingly.

Beware: According to the LionsBase’s configuration, the size of files you may upload must generally be under 30 MB. Moreover the way the traditional upload form (aka not Flash Uploader) works may prevent you from uploading more than about 10 files at once (value may vary with corresponding file sizes).

Flash Uploader is missing

The Flash uploader requires your browser to have a Flash plugin installed.

TYPO3 will automatically fall back to the standard file upload form if Flash cannot be found, fails to run or if the Flash uploader is not activated in your user settings. If so, open module User Tools > User settings:

Module User Tools > User settings

and tick or untick the corresponding checkbox before saving your preferences:

User preferences to enable the Flash uploader
Documentation created using Sphinx 4.3.2 and integrated in TYPO3 with restdoc.