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Managing Club Information

The information of your club are stored in a club record at the beginning of your club storage folder:

Record of a club

General information

This form lets you manage general club’s related information. Please note that some fields may be unavailable for you, according to the access rights you were granted.

General information of the club

District and zone of the club

At first sight, it seems the district could easily be inferred from the selected zone. Actually this is the case but a club may be defined only with its district. This is typically the case when creating a record for an external club.

Name and sorting name of the club

The name is the official name of the club as registered for the Lions Clubs International, without the club type prefix.

The sorting name is an artifact to allow proper sorting of the club whenever some parts of the official name such as a preposition should not be taken into account.

Real world examples of name and sorting name pairs:


Sorting Name

La Neuveville-entre-deux-lacs


La Chaux-de-Fonds

Chaux-de-Fonds, La

3 Seen / Lacs

Drei Seen Lacs

Types of clubs

LionsBase supports 5 types of clubs:




Lions Club

Lions Club

Typical type of club for members over the age of 30

Leo Club

Leo Club

Young members between about the age of 18 and 30

Leo Club (Alpha)

Leo Club (Alpha)

Outside of Europe, young members between the age of 12, the Leo Club program’s minimum age, and the age of majority for the region the club is based in

Leo Club (Omega)

Leo Club (Omega)

Outside of Europe, young members between the age of consent of the club’s region, and an age determined by the Lions District, with a maximum of 30 years

Special club


Unreal type of club when a container for arbitrary members is needed (e.g., for the Lions magazine)

Email address and website

Whenever an email address for the club is available, it may be defined here and will be available for rendering on the website using the club information plugin. LionsBase lets you configure a redirection for a generic email address of your club. For more information, please read chapter Managing Club Email.

LionsBase stores up to two website addresses for a club. One is the generic LionsBase website, which cannot be manually modified, the other is an optional (external) website. If the club does only have the LionsBase website, then the field Website should be left empty.

Language of the club

The value of this field is defined once for all when the club is created. It allows LionsBase to preconfigure TYPO3 with the corresponding language as default language and let the pages be translated in the other languages configured for the multiple district.

Meetings of a club

This form lets you manage the regular meetings of the club. You may create, update and delete meetings records as well as manually reorder them.

Overview of the club meetings

Every single meeting can then be opened and edited on its own:

Details of a single meeting

Address of the club

This form lets you give additional information for the club, namely its physical address and the information of its bank account.

Bank information and mail address of the club

Bank name & account

The bank account may have any format. Clubs commonly choose to provide an IBAN to ease payments and often prefix the bank account by the textual prefix “IBAN:”.

Association identification number

In Germany and Austria, associations need to be centrally registered and get an association identification number (ZVR Nummer - Zentralen Vereinsregister Nummer).

Geolocation of the club

A map control allows you to precisely geo-localize your club. In order to update the latitude and longitude, you need to move the drop pin to the exact location.

If you need to change the location to a big extent, you may manually enter latitude and longitude and save the record or zoom out the map, move the drop pin and zoom in again while keeping the drop pin in the view.

Precise geolocation of the club with a Google-like map


Various other options for the club:

Publish amounts of social activities of this club (amount collected/donated) to neighbour clubs:

If this checkbox is ticked, then the amounts collected and donated associated to your social activities within this club will be “public” to other Lions and LEO clubs within this multiple district. Please note that even if you choose to keep those figures private to your club, your social activities will be reported to MyLCI according to the rules of the Lions Clubs International. In addition, global figures may still be aggregated for statistics purpose at zone, region, district or multiple district level.

Allow members of this club to update their profile:

If this checkbox is ticked, then (main) members of the club are granted editing capability of some of their personal profile information when using the LionsBase mobile application. Please read the release notes of version 7.3 for details.

Documentation created using Sphinx 4.3.2 and integrated in TYPO3 with restdoc.