Version 10.2.0¶
- Release Date
March, 12th 2023
- Compatibility
Android 5.1 (Lollipop), Android 6 (Marshmallow), Android 7 and 7.1 (Nougat), Android 8 and 8.1 (Oreo), Android 9.0 (Pie), Android 10.0, Android 11.0 (R), Android 12.0 (S), Android 13.0 (Tiramisu)
This release is packed with many new features:
redesigned listing of the Melvin Jones pins;
quick copy of a social activity;
late-registration to events.
What’s New¶
With the National Convention taking place again in a few months, and in the context of the 75th anniversary of MD 102 (Switzerland/Liechtenstein), we took the opportunity to work on several new features that will make the LionsBase mobile application even more appealing.
Profile Page¶
While discussing with other Lions during the last European Forum in Zagreb/Croatia (2022), it turned out our understanding of the Melvin Jones Fellowship program was partly inaccurate.
But, before going on, you may possibly not know exactly either what are MJF and PMJF? So let’s start explaining that, as it is described on Lions Clubs International website:
The Melvin Jones Fellowship (MJF) is the backbone of our foundation. Presented to those who donate US$1,000 to LCIF or to people for whom a donation was made by others, it’s a tremendous contribution to humanity and to the legacy of our founder, Melvin Jones.
Contributions for the MJF can be made by individuals (including non-Lions), clubs or districts. Donations may be in one sum or in installments. Melvin Jones Fellows receive a special lapel pin, a plaque and a congratulatory letter.
The Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship (PMJF) program is a way for donors to extend their commitment to LCIF. There are 54 recognition levels beyond the initial US$1,000 MJF contribution with a unique pin for each giving level.
So far, so good, so back to changes in that version of the mobile application!
Now, we fully reworked how those awards are stored within LionsBase. This has the benefit that we now fully support all 50+ levels of the program!
But what has it to do with the mobile application? Well, we took the opportunity to show the various member’s awards in a better way. Melvin Jones for instance are now separate from all the other awards and are now presented together with a picture of the corresponding pin:

Needless to say how proud we are of how gorgeous those pins are depicted! Our designer did a tremendous job based on their photo! Many thanks to her.
If you want to discover all the various MJF awards (with a nice picture) we currently support in LionsBase, please see the list below.
Following enhancements within the list of participants are limited to reviewers of the corresponding event.
Late Registration of Persons without Registration¶
The behaviour of the “+” icon top right has been slightly updated:

Tapping this icon previously let you invite additional participants. It could be other members of your Multiple District (or from a foreign one, as long as both you and the foreign members chose to share their profile), or possibly arbitrary external guests (if enabled for the corresponding event):

But it turns out that’s not sufficient when you need to deal, typically in the context of a National Convention, with persons who did not take time to register until the event’s registration due date and happily show up at the welcome booth, asking to attend the event. That is not even a late-registration!
Reviewers may easily search within the list of targeted persons and look for that very person not having answered. But in the context of a National Convention, chances are high that that person will not even be listed since we only show up to 80 participants without answer.
So how do deal with that? Well, we chose to reuse the same mechanism in place for inviting additional participants, as presented above, but instead of sending an invitation, the participant will be registered right away, allowing further editing on their answer to possible additional questions.
To do so, you need first to switch to the list of persons not having answered the invitation:

Then tapping the “+” icon top right will show a similar menu than when inviting additional persons, but this time reading that this is a registration instead:

Inviting Others On Behalf of a Participant¶
You are happy, because you were able to register this late-announced member. But then another problem arises… Their partner (or another guest) is there and naturally wants to participate too. What do you do?
You need first to switch to the list of persons actually attending the event:

On that page, we extended the popup menu we introduced in version 4.3. As such, when you long-tap a participant, you will find additional options to invite someone on behalf of that person:

Worth mentioning:
You may invite their partner if that info is up-to-date in LionsBase. If this is not the case, please ask a CLBM to read the chapter about managing partners.
The option that allows to register an external guest on their behalf is only available if the registration period is closed; otherwise that participant should do it on their own (unlike the partner who is someone really special; the option is thus always available).
Other Changes¶
In addition, a few bugs have been squashed and minor enhancements integrated:
the position of the tabs when creating an event has been changed to the bottom of the screen, similarly to the page showing the member’s awards;
missing labels for a few certifications have been added;
MJF awards with more than 10 diamonds are not actually using “diamonds” at all; those higher levels have now the proper naming;
translations have been improved;
various internal libraries have been upgraded.
Images of the various Melvin Jones pins¶

About the Large Compatibility with Versions of Android¶
As you see, we do our best to keep compatibility with rather old versions of Android (Android 5.1 - Lollipop dates back from March 2015 and this represents a gigantic jump in the past in the IT world).
If we keep such old compatibility (compared to Apple users), this is related to a very unfortunate fact that Android smartphones and tablets are usually maintained much less than Apple ones. In fact, manufacturers such as Samsung are selling their devices with (usually) the latest available version of Android at that time and provide major updates of the system for something that we estimate for about 2 years in contrast to Apple which supports its devices for as long as 6 years. We understand that LionsBase application users do not see any need to get a new device every 2 to 3 years (which is totally legit) and as such, we strive to keep compatibility as long as we can.
As problems arise due to this compatibility and as the number of people still actively using older devices decreases, we may drop support for some older versions at any time.
Using iOS? Please see corresponding release notes.
Social Activities¶
We brought managing of social activities in version 5.3.0. Since them editing capabilities and reporting have been enhanced.
This version now lets you copy an existing social activity to be used as the template for a new one, which is very handy when you regularly have similar social activities.
To do so, you may long-tap a social activity in the list and choose the corresponding action from the contextual menu: