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To use the LionsBase mobile application, locate the icon with a blue Lions logo on a yellow background and the small white calendar and magnifier symbols and tap it to launch the application:

Launching LionsBase mobile

First-Time Login

The first time you open the application (or whenever you choose to manually sign out), a message will welcome you and explain that you should authenticate in “Settings”, which is available using the “hamburger-like” icon top left 1, a symbol that you certainly know from other applications and which shows the menu of the LionsBase mobile application.

But there is another quicker option by simply taping the “Let’s authenticate” blue button:

Welcome screen

This shows you the authentication form:

Authentication form

There are three pieces of information to provide:

  1. Your multiple district (this is basically your country and is needed because the same application is used for other countries and it needs to know which LionsBase server to contact). Tap the field and it will show you a dropdown list of countries, scroll to select yours and validate.

  2. Your email address. This is the same email address as the one you use to authenticate in your club’s website.

  3. Your personal password. This is the same password as the one you use to authenticate in your club’s website.


Use the link “Password forgotten?” if you cannot remember your password or, for any reason, your password is not accepted. You will quickly get an email with a link to reset your password.

Then tap the blue button “Sign In” to proceed. If everything is fine, you will be welcomed with your name:

Welcome message after successful authentication

You may now go back to the “Dashboard” in the menu by tapping one or more time on the “< Back”, “< Settings” or hamburger menu until you see it:

Menu of the LionsBase mobile application

Sign Out

The link “Sign Out” of the screen above can be used to close your session but we advise you better not to do so because the application is much more fun to use if you do not have to authenticate each time. Access to your smartphone or tablet is expected to be restricted already with a PIN code, your fingerprint or face recognition and it should be sufficient.

If however you want to sign out, open the LionsBase mobile application menu (remember, using the hamburger menu), go to Settings and tap your name to access the authentication form:



The LionsBase mobile application is fully translated into the following languages:

  • English

  • Dutch

  • French

  • German

  • Italian

  • Finnish

  • Portuguese

  • Spanish

  • Swedish

  • Croatian

The language used in the application is based on the language you use on your smartphone / tablet and will default to English otherwise.


On iOS/iPadOS you may force an alternate language for a given application. To do so, go to Settings > LionsBase (or scroll down a bit to show the search field, look for “LionsBase”) and then choose another “preferred language” just for that application:

Choosing an alternate default language

Dark Mode

Since iOS 13.0, people can choose to adopt a dark system-wide appearance called Dark Mode. In Dark Mode, the system uses a darker color palette for all screens, views, menus, and controls, and it uses more vibrancy to make foreground content stand out against the darker backgrounds.

People can choose Dark Mode as their default interface style, and they can use Settings > Display & Brightness to make their devices automatically switch to Dark Mode when ambiant light is low:

Dark Mode in iOS 13.0 and later

LionsBase mobile supports Dark Mode since version 6.1 to streamline your user experience while using your device.

Here are some side-by-side examples on how the application behaves in Light Mode and in Dark Mode:

Side-by-side comparison of Light vs Dark modes for LionsBase mobile



The hamburger button, so named for its unintentional resemblance to a hamburger, is a button typically placed in a top corner of an application or website. Its function is to toggle a menu (sometimes referred to as a hamburger menu) or navigation bar between being collapsed behind the button or displayed on the screen.

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