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Multiple District

To access information on your multiple district (its council, the conventions, the districts, …), open the menu and choose “Multiple District”:

Access to the multiple district in the menu

This Multiple District menu item is in fact the entry point for the whole multiple district hierarchy:

Multiple district

You can tap on each and every piece of information:

  1. If you tap on “Council of Governors” for the multiple district, you get what the list of corresponding members together with their function (council chairperson, the various governors and vice-governors, etc.).

  2. If you click on “Conventions”, you get a list of all the past and upcoming conventions in your multiple district. This implies that your Multiple District LionsBase Master has created them in the system of course.

  3. If you click on “Programme”, you get a list of all the events similarly to your personal Calendar but strictly limited to the multiple district (and once you go down the hierarchy, to the corresponding entity).

You can then click on a district to go down the hierarchy of Lions entities and do the same at this level, show the “committee” of a district (named in that context the “District Cabinet”, then of a region and finally a zone.


  1. Starting with a given District, then a Region, or a Zone, you can open the list of clubs filtered on the corresponding district, region or zone.


If you are on a club profile page and tap the zone or district, you will land on the corresponding level within the “Multiple District” menu entry. This is an effective way to navigate to a club and quickly see which other clubs are in that zone or district.

And this is needless to say that from the zone, region, … you can go back one level higher using the natural and contextual back link top left:


Council of Governors / District Cabinet / Committee

As an example, this is part of what you get if you tap on “Council of Governors” for the multiple district:

Council of Multiple District 102

and as usual, tap the name of a member to open their profile page and long tap a name to access the list of other members having held the same position.

The corresponding function when you are on a district page is named “District Cabinet”. For lower levels (region, zone and club), this is simply named “Committee”.


The small symbols/icons you see next to the members have been described in section Symbols.


As an example, this is part of what you get if you tap on “Conventions”:


It is worth mentioning that Switzerland/Liechtenstein has the complete list of conventions down to 1950!


Although this is not a standard list of members, link to the council chairperson’s profile page is available anyway.

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