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Summary of the Registrations

The registration summary shows a listing of every subscribed member together with a few additional information such as her phones, club name, attending status and optional comment.

The list is sorted by attending status (attending then not attending) and then by member name.

List of Members with Unknown Status

The list is extended to show every members not having yet registered if:

  • The event is associated to a club, or

  • The event is configured so that target members are supposed to be attending.

Exporting the Registration Summary

At the end of the list you find an export button that will generate an Excel 2007 spreadsheet (*.xlsx) from the registration summary:

Export the registration summary to Excel

This export contains member information, registration status, optional comments and answers to the questions associated to the corresponding event.

Documentation created using Sphinx 4.3.2 and integrated in TYPO3 with restdoc.