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Recovering the Password

Passwords cannot be recovered as they are stored encrypted within the LionsBase database. However, the link “Forgot your password?” on the Frontend login screen (see previous chapter) allows the member to get a private link to reset her password by providing her username; that is, her email address as stored within LionsBase:

The password recovery form

Please note: If you were granted access to the LionsBase management website, this is the same wizard you should use to reset your password as credentials are shared among the various authentication forms.

Password Guidelines

Even nowadays with the numerous accounts and websites we all register on, choosing the right password is something that many people still find difficult. In fact, this large base of accounts we own may be one of the reason why a lot of people choose their passwords very badly. The simple tips below are intended to assist you in choosing a good password.


  • Choose a password with a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers and keyboard symbols such as @ # $ % ^ & ( ) _ +. However be aware that some of these punctuation marks may be difficult to enter on foreign keyboards;

  • Choose a password containing at least eight characters.


  • Use easily guessable passwords such as:
    • Your username or name;

    • The name of your club president or something similar;

  • A commonplace dictionary word.

Your password is your key to useful and valuable information stored in LionsBase. We know that enforcing password complexity may annoy some people and this is why we prefer to allow you to choose whichever password best fits you. So please consider choosing it wisely. Next chapter gives you additional information on how the password complexity is computed in LionsBase.

Once again, passwords in LionsBase are strongly encrypted and thus cannot be retrieved, even by the developers. In addition, LionsBase provides mechanisms to let your administrators help you without ever having to know your personal password thanks to impersonation means.

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