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Copying or Moving Content

To copy content in your website, you have to use the TYPO3 clipboard.

To move and reorganize content blocks in your website, you may either use the TYPO3 clipboard or drag-and-drop. Please note that drag-and-drop is limited to reorganizing content blocks on the same page though.

Using the Clipboard

You may copy or move content elements with the associated controls that show up on the right hand side when you hover your mouse over the title bar of the corresponding element:

Content Element Controls

Click either on the copy (copy) or the move (move) icon to put the content element in the clipboard.

Then navigate where you want the clipboard content to be inserted (this may of course be on another page) and click on the paste icon (paste). Your content element has now effectively been copied or moved.

Using Drag-and-Drop

Left click on a content block then drag and drop it on the page:

Drag-and-drop a Content Element
Documentation created using Sphinx 4.3.2 and integrated in TYPO3 with restdoc.