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Translating Content

As you know, your LionsBase website is composed of two separate structures:

  1. LionsBase-specific pages such as the intranet and shared pages (login, contact, …);

  2. Your own club’s pages.

The LionsBase-specific pages are translated for you and all you can do is get in touch with us, may you find some texts or labels to be adapted.

If you do not translate a page or some content, TYPO3 is configured to fall-back to use the default language instead.

In order to translate content blocks, you first have to translate the page itself by creating an “Alternative Page Language” record on that page:

Create a page translation

This contains fields similar to that of the page record which you fill in with translated content:

Translation of a page

When such a record exists, you can translate the content of the page to the language it defines. If you want to change the translation of a page, you may click on the corresponding flag icon:

Edit the translation of a page

You may now translate each and every block of content of your page individually:

Translation of a block of content

Please note that when you create a translation by clicking on the link “Create a copy for translation (some language)”, the translation remains hidden until you “publish” it by making it visible, just as for new pages.

As your translated blocks do not have the full range of editing controls the parent block have (with the icon edit content element), you have to left click on the translated block icon type itself (not the flag icon) and choose the action from the popup menu that shows up:

Popup menu of a translated block of content

Overview of the Translation Progress

At any time, you may use module Web > Info to get an overview of which pages in your website are translated:

Overview of the translation progress
Documentation created using Sphinx 4.3.2 and integrated in TYPO3 with restdoc.