Gestione delle informazioni del membro¶
Per aggiornare un profilo, andare alla cartella di dati LionsBase club, individuare il record corrispondente membro e modificarlo.
Le varie informazioni di un profilo del membro sono organizzati dalla scheda:
General: General member information such as names and birthday
Private: Private address, email address and phone numbers
Business: Business address, company and phone numbers
Lions: Lions-related information such as the history of status and functions
Misc.: Various additional pieces of information
Access: LionsBase access management
Informazioni generali¶
Questo modulo consente di gestire le relative informazioni generali del membro. Lo schermo è diviso in due parti:
The general information for the member themselves:
The email address of a member on this general tab is considered the main email address and is used for contacting members via email and newsletter. Additional email addresses can be entered for information purposes in the private and business tab.
The partner of a member may either be defined using a real relation or freely:
As you see on the picture, the birthday of a partner may be incompletely defined by omitting the year part.
The real relation should be used instead of free information if the partner is a Lions member as well. This ensures that the information are kept in-sync automatically and among other neat bonus allows you to navigate to the partner profile page from within LionsBase mobile. In addition, if you invite your partner, they will get the event in their own personal Lions calendar as well.
Here are a few internal (and more technical) considerations regarding both ways of specifying the partner:
when you define a partner relation, every other partner fields (first name, last name, email and birthday) will automatically get cleared upon saving;
at the same time, the mirror relation will be added to the corresponding partner;
however, corresponding mirror fields (first name, …) on the other end will not get cleared.
Rationale is that if you temporarily assign the wrong partner and save, clearing mirror fields would effectively lead to a loss of information after your correction. In that case, only the relation is defined and will of course take precedence over statically-defined data. Those useless pieces of information for the partner will only be removed when the other member’s record is updated.
Informazioni private¶
Questo modulo consente di gestire informazioni private del membro.
Stato & paese privato¶
Oak Brook richiede lo stato del paese di definire se il paese privato è gli Stati Uniti o il Canada. Per tutti gli altri paesi, la scelta di uno stato è a vostro piacimento.
Informazioni aziendali¶
Questo modulo consente di gestire le informazioni relative al business del membro.
Activity Classification¶
NACE is the acronym used to designate the various statistical classifications of economic activities developed since 1970 in the European Union. NACE provides the framework for collecting and presenting a large range of statistical data according to economic activity in the fields of economic statistics (e.g., production, employment, national accounts) and in other statistical domains.
Statistics produced on the basis of NACE are comparable at European and, in general, world level. The use of NACE is mandatory within the European Statistical System.
NACE is the European counterpart of the world level standard ISIC. At the national level, countries are free to model their own classification to take into account the needs of the various stakeholders. For instance, in Switzerland this standard is named NOGA 2008 and is modelled after NACE rev.2. In Austria, it is named ÖNACE 2008 (or OENACE 2008).
Online tools are available to quickly find the code corresponding to a given activity:
Switzerland: (KUBB 2008)
Austria: > Economic activities > OENACE 2008
Other countries: See
LionsBase stores the code as a serie of digits solely, meaning that if the code you get from your national classification is, e.g., «A 01.23» (which corresponds to the growing of citrus fruits), you will have to leave out the prefix (which is just a redundant way of organizing the underlying classification) and enter «0123» in the field.
Stato & country business¶
Oak Brook richiede lo stato del paese di definire se il paese di business è gli Stati Uniti o il Canada. Per tutti gli altri paesi, la scelta di uno stato è a vostro piacimento.
Alcuni campi aggiuntivi varie:
Public Listing¶
The checkbox «Public Listing» is ticked by default for all members. It lets the member be part of any public listing of members. A typical example of such a public listing is the «Members» page that is available for all clubs without being authenticated. The actual fields that are shown has to be configured within the Members plugin itself.
The state of this checkbox is only taken into account for anonymous users; authenticated members will see the whole list of members regardless of the state of this checkbox. In addition, the state of this checkbox is only taken into account for the list of members within a club, not for the list of committee members which are always rendered, regardless of the state of this checkbox.
In Austria, this checkbox is respected when it comes to exporting the list of members for the directory of members, as requested in November 2016.
Diritti di accesso¶
Questa ultima scheda ti permette di gestire le credenziali LionsBase per il membro corrispondente. Campi aggiuntivi per le autorizzazioni di membro effettivo sono disponibili se sono autenticati come District LionsBase Master e sono descritti nel capitolo Member Authorizations.
Il nome utente dovrebbe essere l’indirizzo email principale del membro; che può essere facilmente copiato facendo clic sul pulsante accanto al campo. Se il membro succede ad non avere nessun indirizzo email, ci consentono un formato speciale username da utilizzare invece: <nome>.<cognome>@lionsbase
(ad es., franz.muster@lionsbase
). Il nome utente verrà controllato per unicità al risparmio.
If you suddenly gets a «0» appended to your username when you save (e.g.,
with the username you see in the screenshot
above), this means that TYPO3 detected that your username is in fact not
unique and added a «0» to make it unique again. This basically means that
another member is already using that same username. This may happen if the
same member is present twice in system. If this happens, you probably want to
edit the other member and change their username to something else so that the
username is «free» to be used again.
The member’s password may be reset with this form but best is to ask the member herself to change or reset their password using the password recovery form.