Removing or Deleting Members¶
In case you wonder if it is possible to delete a member, you cannot do this yourself as normally a member who resigned from their Lions Club should still be kept for history and statistical purpose. However, LionsBase provides a very special status «[!!!] Duplicate» which should only be used if you happen to have a duplicate member in the database who already got a LCI ID from Oak Brook.
If ever you happen to create a duplicate entry, you should get in touch with your Multiple District LionsBase Master as soon as possible in order to try to fix this problem before it ever reaches the central database in Oak Brook.
Once a member record has been marked as «duplicate», you do not need to think about it anymore, even if you still sees it in your list of members. The LionsBase development team will take care of actually deleting faulty entries once in a while. As deleting those duplicate entries cannot get fully automated (as it requires a few manual investigations to confirm each and every case), the team waits for a few similar cases or a grace period and does not process the list of duplicate entries right away.
Member Resigned or Deceased¶
So, the question stays the same. You have a member who resigned or deceased, what should you do?
This is very easy, you need to update his profile and go to the Lions tab, then scroll down to the status:

Since we do not want to loose the history, just click the «Create new» button to add another status. The new status should have a start date corresponding to the date the member resigned (or deceased). When you change the default suggested type of status associated to this entry from «active» to «resigned» (or «deceased»), TYPO3 will ask you if you want to save and reload the member’s profile to reflect the change. Just answer Yes and you will see that the previous «active» status was automatically ended:

You may naturally adapt the start and end dates afterwards but remember, you should never ever remove a status.
And if the member resigned or deceased, you should enter the corresponding date as «exit date» (of Lions organization) in the corresponding field, at the beginning of that page.