Webmaster Levels

LionsBase comes preconfigured with two different webmaster levels:

  1. Webmaster «Level 1»

  2. Webmaster «Level 2»

Webmaster «Level 1»

Standard level for daily use of TYPO3. This level extends the level «basic» and additionally grants access to special attributes of pages, content elements and news such as restricting access to some groups of members or providing start and/or end publishing dates. Please note that this role gives access to a «recycler» bin, allowing deleted records such as pages and content elements to be recovered.

Webmaster «Level 2»

Richer level for members already mastering TYPO3. This level extends the level «Level 1» and additionally grants access to more advanced functions such as sorting pages or creating multiple pages at once and provides an extended list of buttons for the Rich Text Editor used for editing text content elements.

Furthermore, members of this group may hide pages in menu. This does not replace a proper private page with built-in authentication but allows pages to be somehow «hidden».

The District LionsBase Master should decide on herself when a member may be granted this access level based on the experience acquired.

Please note: As each new level extends the previous one, there is no need to assign more than one level to a member; a higher level inherits settings from the lower one.

Documentation created using Sphinx 4.3.2 and integrated in TYPO3 with restdoc.