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Adding Members

The process of adding a member to your club is similar to adding any other record; that is, you show the list of your club members and you click on the icon Add a member:

The list of members

This will open a LionsBase wizard that will guide you into the process of adding a member:

Wizard used to add a member

As you see, this wizard is the same you will use when you want to transfer a member coming from another Multiple District.

To start the process, click on the button “Add a new Member”:

First search for existing members

On this screen you should fill-in the first name, last name and birthday of the member to be added to your club. This is very important to give meaningful information because the wizard will look up into LionsBase and try to find existing members similar to the information provided. This allows you to easily spot that the “new” member is (or was at some point of time) in fact already member of a Lions Club and thus proceed with a local transfer instead.

If you find the member in the list, clicking on the corresponding icon Transfer a member will initiate the transfer workflow instead. If the member you want to add is not found in the list of similar members, click on the button “Add a new Member” and then process as usual to provide additional information.

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